Interesting study of network marketing is that Web site operators can have useful knowledge, to make their sites easy to make money through the network. Network to make money, simply by selling products online (including both physical products and digital products) or by running a profit by way of advertising online advertising revenue, the easiest way is to make money through online advertising. In fact, Internet marketing courses, have been included in these basic ways to make money via the Internet. Therefore, the study of network marketing, the Internet should naturally know how to make money, while making money in the process can further deepen the understanding of network marketing, it can be said that although the purpose of learning network marketing is not entirely in order to make money through the network, but also make money online best practice online marketing one of the ways.
So we can analyze: run the site for what is most difficult? The biggest problem is no one to build the site visit, that is, the lack of visitors, and one of the reasons is the lack of visitors did not use reasonable means of website promotion. We learn the most basic elements of network marketing is the website promotion methods, because the site is to promote the basic functions of network marketing, network marketing, network marketing program in a large number of methods are for website promotion and results-based management, such as website optimization and website easily with design, search engine marketing, blog marketing, viral marketing, online advertising, site traffic analysis, to understand and master these networks through the practice of marketing methods, but also that their site is not visited it? These are all the most professional website promotion methods ah!
Site can not gain access to another important reason is that there is no reasonable profit model, you can not monetize traffic, visitors can look at click and bye. These problems, when the system after learning the network marketing programs do or problem? We have studied online marketing methods, introduced through the network marketing membership (Affiliate, affiliate marketing) to allow the basic principles and methods of revenue, these Internet marketing methods but also for their own websites to provide a viable way to make money. When given a certain amount of site visits and will visit with the amount of revenue into the channel, but also that their knowledge of network marketing do not translate into earnings?
The most popular web sites for small and medium model to make money is to join a large site network of alliances, such as Baidu theme promotion, google ad network, Dangdang Alliance website. These websites not only provide a large network of advertising / high commission or online sales, and enjoys a good reputation, generally does not appear site owners do not pay commission to do. About how to select Affiliate website topic, please refer to the author in the network marketing teaching a special article published on the website " website to make money how to choose the network alliance . " If your own personal website or blog already has a certain number of visits, you can now apply for google ad network.