Website owners how to make money is a topic of common concern. If you have your own personal website, through a personal web site owners to make money is certainly the largest, is also part of sustainable business development personal site one of the engines, but the reality is that most of the website are not optimistic about profitability, it was reported that money capacity of the individual sites usually can only make $ 500 a month, although the majority of personal sites by adding a variety of network alliances, placing a lot of online advertising, but almost could not make money through the website (except those just out of personal interest and maintenance of the site or personal home page).
Currently the main mode of personal websites to make money is through the web site Alliance for advertisers to advertise a return, this Web site to make money method requires two basic conditions: first, there is a certain site visits; second is to select the appropriate network Union.
These two basic conditions are in fact is, the individual Web site operators must consider the basic question of how to determine the site's business model, how to promote the site and put in what form of online advertising, etc., as many personal sites are part-time maintenance, and not put a lot of promotional resources, usually only network to promote the use of some conventional methods of promotion such as search engine optimization, website links, online community and blog marketing, most individual site visits are limited, every day tens of thousands of PV the following website a majority, and some even less than 10,000 page views. Although these individual site traffic is not high, but not to say you can not make money, the key is how the limited amount of access into the largest gains.
Often see a number of sites filled with a variety of sites affiliate advertising, perhaps the owners eager to make money, always want to show the limited page space ads as much as possible, but in fact too much advertising (especially with the Web Content not highly relevant advertising) is difficult to cause the user's attention and clicks, so my personal experience is to choose the most suitable of sites, rather than too much advertising alliance. Actually choose the most relevant and commission a reasonable proportion of the gains ad networks may be higher than the same time put more than one affiliate advertising.
When a selected network of alliances, the need for ad placement, advertising and so-depth study to fully understand the user to access information through the website of the behavioral characteristics, in order to get the best advertising results (which means to maximize the site's advertising revenue .)
I tried a number of individual sites in the network affiliate advertising, the final confirmation will Google AdSense advertising network as the only option, so eliminating the need for more management time affiliate ads, you can concentrate on the content of the site, these high quality original content to get more users to access further, creating a virtuous cycle, increasing site revenue. Before running Google AdSense ads in the monthly income of less than $ 500, in the google ads and other affiliate advertising co-exist when the total monthly income of less than 1,000 yuan, then only put Google AdSense ads, the site instead of a straight line revenue growth of 30 per month from the original more than $ 1 and a half years later has grown to 2,000 dollars per month, while investment in the site operation and maintenance of personal time is not more than before, and even feel more relaxed.
Affiliate commission by the analysis of data that, Google AdSense is the most benefit for the members website, membership site in 2006 for the global advertising commissions paid over $ 3 billion, the domestic advertising site to get a commission no exact figures, but according to also estimated the level of several billion yuan, which is a huge market. Because of this, and now many personal Web site or large commercial sites are added to the ranks of Google AdSense advertising network, such as large domestic IT portal, such as SAN FRANCISCO, SAN, IDG, ZDNET, etc., 2007, Sina and google become strategic partner, Sina news also joined the google ads.
So, my personal view, if your website is not large scale, if you want to select the network alliance, then, will Google AdSense advertising network as the first is more appropriate. If you want personal web site to make money, you can now apply for google ad network
In fact, according to the author's analysis, the personal website google ads immediately joined the alliance, the promotion and operation of the site if not good, then, should be able to feel the " Alliance to make money through google ads is not easy
" If you are a google adsense publishers, hoping to earn more income through google ad words, choose the ad formats and advertising optimization can refer to the author's article, " commission of three optimized for adsense ads from 30-2000 U.S. dollars . "