Saturday, 28 January 2012

Why Little Business Online Mall?

With the development of Internet applications and e-commerce are booming, a large number of companies have launched or are planning their own e-commerce, and the emergence of a group of outstanding business over the Internet mall, such as Li Ning, the online store. However, most companies can not be optimistic about the effect of online store, and built a long time but with little success, very few orders.
Enterprises to develop e-commerce is not to build a web site put the price marked on the product so simple, mall sites related to the operation of information flow, capital flow, logistics and other functional modules, and complete the purchase of decisions affecting the optimization of all factors. These elements are:
Web site credibility: no one wants to a very low credibility of the website shopping. Improve the credibility of the site there are many ways to publish their address, such as fixed telephone information, online contact information, provide the relevant certification authority information, a user registration feature for e-commerce site, a clear privacy policy and website responsibilities application is necessary.
Shopping process friendliness: even if the user has to purchase intention, if not friendly shopping process, the user may still drop out. In particular, the eradication of the shopping process can not complete the case. The entire shopping process to try to smooth, simple, and guide the user through the whole process until the payment and avoid the middle so that the user out of the process.
Payment: The payment method used to provide the user to ensure that users can easily successful completion of the normal pay.
Delivery: Delivery to provide appropriate and reasonable distribution costs.
After-sales service: online shopping to buy another worry that inappropriate or damaged goods, sound and thoughtful return policy can eliminate the user part of the concerns and enhance the confidence to buy.
Other affected sites the user experience and access volume and other factors, such as web part design, product classification, page loading speed, search engine optimization level, website promotion.
New competitive network marketing management consultant will soon release a "business B2C Web site operators Strategy Report" in the business operations of mall online survey found that companies operating online store there are many problems: poor web site usability, shopping process is not friendly, credibility, related services such as payment systems, distribution, return imperfect, and so on.